13th Annual SolFest - Solar Living Institute - Hopland, CA

For the last 13 Summers now Hopland's Solar Living Institute has been host to the annual SolFest, dubbed "The Greenest Show On Earth"

The two day event draws people from all over the world who are interested in learning more about alternative fuels, renewable energy, green building design, and organic permaculture gardening.

The 12-acre site is covered with lush gardens, ponds, and hundreds of solar panels which not only provide shade for the various vendors, but also supply the site with all of it's electrical needs.

Waste was kept to a minimum wherever possible, only 25% of the total waste produced throughout the event will end up in a landfill, while the rest will be recycled or composted.  Fresh water was free and abundant as long as you brought your Nalgene bottle, mason jar or the like...and if you forgot your bottle at home there's always plan b, drink some organic beer!

More than 60 workshops were held,  some were more hands-on than others;  for example they had a demonstration on cob home building where you were bound to get dirty if you chose to help out. Other notable talks included one by Paul Stamets on the many beneficial uses of mushrooms to restore damaged soils and ecosystems, as well as a discussion by Richard Heinberg on the topic of peak oil.

All images courtesy of my iPhone....enjoy!

Jonnu Singleton | photographer