One Love, One World!


Sixty percent of all the all energy consumed in America is by large commercial office spaces; and companies are catching on fast to the idea that by building and retrofitting green they are not only saving themselves money in energy costs, but they can also be improving the health and well being of not just their employees, but every living thing that is affected all the way down the line. It's a win-win for everyone and the obvious answer is to leave the smallest footprint possible on our planet. I want to clear some things up...I feel like there are certain companies out there that are just trying to capitalize on ''The Green Movement" who really don't have their hearts in this for the right reasons.  I want nothing more than to make this world a better place for all living things and  I have a vested interest in preserving this planet for future generations to come. 

This is why I have chose to use only post-consumer waste recycled papers, along with non-toxic water based inks and adhesives for all of my new marketing materials; including business cards, DVD jackets and postcards. Also available upon request clients can download their files directly off the world wide web via one of our ftp servers further reducing the need for packaging materials and cutting down on waste in the process.  

It just dawned on me one day recently that this is the way nature intended it to be. Everything is brought into harmony by considering that we are all one being, one much larger organism than our egoic minds lead us to believe and that we can all effect change either positively or negatively in this world. I say, "Spread the love and let your heart guide you through your life's mission."

One Love,

Jonnu Singleton | photographer